a). Hackathon

In order to strengthen the institutional capacity to manage integrated national HMIS (DHIS2/DATIM,MFLv2,MCHUL,LMIS,DSL,IDSR), the HIGDA partners worked with JKUAT to   convene the first health care hackathon, which exposed the students to aspects DHIS2, DATIM, MFLv2, by promoting reuse of data, application building based on the data available, as well as   data visualization.

The hackathon held in June 2017 drew 70 students from various 10 different disciplines. The students were then divided into 7 groups to manipulate the data to design appropriate applications. They presented their output to the awards Panel at the end of the   exercise. Four   groups were selected to attend the boot camp.

The Hackathon was able to produce mobile apps among other tools as shown above

b). Outreach

Dr. Andrew Toro addresses the opening session of the training at JKUAT

Over 38 officers drawn from twelve counties are at JKUAT for a four-day training on health data analytics and geographic information systems for informed decision making in the devolved units.

The participants will be equipped with skills and tools to collate, curate, analyze and share health information; in order to better serve the needs of residents. Following devolution of health services, counties are struggling with collation, analysis and visualization of health data

Analytics (HIGDA) Project; which seeks to improve health sector’s organizational and management capacity in health informatics, monitoring, and evaluation at national and county levels.

Speaking during the opening ceremony on Monday March 26, 2018, Vice Chancellor, Prof. Mabel Imbuga noted that healthcare remains an important sector yet availability of quality, relevant and timely data, continue to hamper knowledge driven decision making.

Prof. Imbuga lauded HIGDA implementing partners and affirmed JKUAT’s commitment to ensure the project is successful and sustainable, to the benefit all stakeholders.

Kiambu County Chief Health Officer, Dr. Andrew Toro said that despite the county serving over 10, 000 patients daily, analysis of the generated data remains weak.

Availability of quality data, he added, would enable Kiambu and other counties effectively respond the challenge posed by both communicable and non-communicable diseases.

“What you do, you must document. What you document, you must share,” Dr. Toro challenged the participants.

The Vice Chancellor’s remarks were delivered by Deputy Vice Chancellor in charge of Academic Affairs, Prof. Romanus Odhiambo.

The participants join JKUAT, Palladium and Kiambu County officials shortly after the training opening ceremony

Palladium Group Kenya Country Director, Richard Ngethe said multi-institutional and cross disciplinary approach was critical in providing sustainable solutions to Kenya’s development challenges, including provision of quality healthcare services.

Besides the targeted trainings, HIGDA is also supporting the establishment of a Digital Health Applied Research Centre (DHARC) at JKUAT. The Centre hosted by the University on behalf of the Ministry of Health, will be instrumental in development of knowledge and tools to support actualization of Kenya’s Health Information System’s blueprint.

The counties represented in the training included Nairobi, Kwale, Migori, Kakamega, Mombasa, Siaya, Kilifi, Machakos, Uasin Gishu, Kisumu and Bungoma.

c). Test Plans

A test plans were developed to aid providers/developers and implementers of the health systems validity of the tool. The test plan approach emphasized on the on functionality, usability, interoperability, compliance, and performance.

Upcoming events

Digital End to End Report Launch

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Utilization of Digital Tools to enhance COVID-19 and TB Testing and Linkages to care among Boda- Boda Riders in the Nairobi Metropolis Project

Boda-Boda Project Dr. Patrick Amoth receives findings of the study from Prof. Simon Karanja (2nd left). Looking on Prof. Joseph Mathu Ndung’u (right) and Principal COHES, Dr. Reuben Thuo (left).…


College Hall Meeting: Advancing Healthcare Innovation

Dr. Joyce Wamicwe, Ministry of Health Developing technological solutions in healthcare is crucial for enhancing efficiency, improving patient outcomes, and promoting accessibility, thereby standardizing and advancing healthcare globally. This was…

DHARC Gives Insights into Antimicrobial Resistance in 10 Kenyan Counties

DHARC Gives Insights into Antimicrobial Resistance in 10 Kenyan Counties Prof. Simon Karanja hands over the findings from the assessment to Dr. Patrick Amoth, Ag. Director General of the Ministry…