6th – 10th September, 2021

The event was held from the 6th – 10th September, 2021 and was part of the BodaBoda projectFrom left to right: Prof Simon Karanja, Dr. Denver Mariga, Prof Gideon Kikuvi, Dr. Thomas Ngigi, Ms Wairimu Gichaiya, Dr. Susan Mwelu, Dr. Jane Aduda, Dr Ejersa Waqo and Dr. Reuben Thuo.

The JKUAT COHES Research team led by Prof Simon Karanja, held a five day workshop at the Gelian Hotel from the 6th to 10th September to develop the work plan for the study “Utilization of digital tools to enhance COVID-19 and TB testing and linkage to care among Boda Boda riders in the Nairobi metropolis”. This is a collaborative study between JKUAT COHES Research team, Ministry of Health (MOH), Foundation of Innovative and New Diagnostics (FIND) and the County Governments that compose the Nairobi Metropolis, namely, Nairobi, Machakos, Kiambu and Kajiado. This study is funded by FIND.


JKUAT COHES Team Brainstorming

The objectives of the study were;

  1. To create awareness and demand for COVID-19 and TB testing among Boda Boda riders using digital messaging.
  2. To use digital solutions (COVID-19 Tracker, KenyaEMR, Jitenge, LIMS and TIBU) in conjunction with AgRDTs to support decentralized COVID-19 and TB screening, testing, contact tracing and linkage to care of Boda Boda riders in the Nairobi metropolis.
  3. To determine the COVID-19 and TB positivity and co-infection rates among the Boda Boda riders
  4. To determine the accuracy and reliability of the AgRDT against the PCR (gold standard).

The workshop was attended by the MOH representative, Dr. Denver Mariga and Dr. Ejersa Waqo, the Director of the National TB, Leprosy and Lung Disease Program of Kenya (NTLD) and 10 members of the Research team DHARC. The workshop successfully developed the draft study work plan, training materials, operational model of the study and completed the clinical trials assessment kit.

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