
DHARC center has leveraged in the use of digitized health tools or customized health information systems in the gathering, compiling and analyzing health data through various study projects to curb identified gaps such as;

  • lack of interoperability between systems,
  • lack of a unique identifier system and
  • paucity on the adoption of digital tools brought about by inadequate human resource and financial resources.

Use of digital tools and health information systems has greatly shown

  • improved cost control,
  • increased the timeliness and accuracy of patient care and administration information,
  • increased service capacity,
  • reduced personnel costs and inventory levels,
  • improved the quality of patient care,
  • helped in the management of population health.

“The adoption of digital tools has enabled efficient transmission of test results to guide clinical management, facilitate identification of cases for isolation to reduce transmission and provide estimates of the prevalence of the disease at the population level,” explained Prof. Karanja who is also the Dean, School of Public Health, JKUAT and End-to-End Project coordinator.

The Center has incorporated various activities/sessions that the participants are taken through to provide a platform of engagement in order to facilitate as well demonstrate the importance of digitized tools and information systems in health care.

The participants taken through four major Activities/sessions;

  • Teaming Sessions
  • Training Session
  • Tooling Session
  • Consulting Session


A. Teaming Activities

a. Bootcamps Activities

This involves grouping people into teams ,to research, train and design health information systems for real case implementation, support and strengthening of National and County level health information systems

These Teaming sessions include Bootcamps, Hackathons and Meetings

During the execution of the HIGDA  project COHES DHARC team successfully supported the 1st Boot Camp organized by College of Health Sciences (CoHES) in collaboration with other JKUAT Directorates, though HIGDA project.

HIGDA – DHARC team successfully supported the 1st Boot Camp organized by College of Health Sciences (CoHES) in collaboration with other JKUAT Directorates, though HIGDA project.

Universities have a duty and responsibility to equip students with academic capacity to effectively solve problems and develop innovative solutions that ultimately improves our environment and better quality of life… Read More…

b. College Hall Meetings

i). First Meeting

Participants of the 1st Meeting that included COHES team, Palladium and Ministry of Health hosted hosted at JKUAT from 10th July 2017 to 31st July 2017 (4 Weeks Boot camp residential).

HIGDA-JKUAT held a successful first College Hall meeting in May 2017 to advocate for development of research agenda and to stimulate the use of GIS/WEB mapping among the university management, faculty members and students… Read More…


B. Training Activities

Dharc has conducted various trainings in health informatics, data analytics and GIS. The information and knowledge equiped by both both National ano tools provide clinicians with key insights to make informed decisions on the delivery of care and create individualized treatment plans.

Health informatics offers operational and managerial benefits as well, such as guiding health care managers and operational teams on how to use digital tools to improve time management and resource management in hospitals of which reduces the turn around time that can be costly.

Data analytics training for the county health facility officials
Informatics training for the county health facility officials

Data analytics training can strengthen the already existing efforts to lower health care costs and improve the quality of care. Data analytic technologies learnt from the trainings, enables predictive analytics typically for data-retrieval capabilities; it can extract data from sources such as EHRs, medical equipment and devices, and wearable technologies. This kind of technology also often facilitates data cleaning and risk calculation… Read More…


C. Tooling Activities

a). Hackathon

In order to strengthen the institutional capacity to manage integrated national HMIS (DHIS2/DATIM, MFLv2,MCHUL,LMIS,DSL,IDSR), the HIGDA partners worked with JKUAT to   convene the first health care hackathon, which exposed the students to aspects DHIS2, DATIM, MFLv2, by promoting reuse of data, application building based on the data available, as well as   data visualization.

The hackathon held in June 2017 drew 70 students from various 10 different disciplines. The students were then divided into 7 groups to manipulate the data to design appropriate applications. They presented their output to the awards Panel at the end of the   exercise. Four   groups were selected to attend the boot camp… Read More…

b). Test Plans

A test plan was developed to aid providers/developers and implementers of the health systems validity of the tool. The test plan approach and tools emphasized on the on functionality, usability, interoperability, compliance, and performance... Read More


D. Consulting Activities

Work with industry players in various sectors within the health domain..

Upcoming events

Digital End to End Report Launch

A report on assessing the use of digital tools for COVID-19 management in the country was unveiled. August 5, 2021, in Nairobi. Dr. Amoth receives the report from Prof. Karanja…

Utilization of Digital Tools to enhance COVID-19 and TB Testing and Linkages to care among Boda- Boda Riders in the Nairobi Metropolis Project

Boda-Boda Project Dr. Patrick Amoth receives findings of the study from Prof. Simon Karanja (2nd left). Looking on Prof. Joseph Mathu Ndung’u (right) and Principal COHES, Dr. Reuben Thuo (left).…


College Hall Meeting: Advancing Healthcare Innovation

Dr. Joyce Wamicwe, Ministry of Health Developing technological solutions in healthcare is crucial for enhancing efficiency, improving patient outcomes, and promoting accessibility, thereby standardizing and advancing healthcare globally. This was…

DHARC Gives Insights into Antimicrobial Resistance in 10 Kenyan Counties

DHARC Gives Insights into Antimicrobial Resistance in 10 Kenyan Counties Prof. Simon Karanja hands over the findings from the assessment to Dr. Patrick Amoth, Ag. Director General of the Ministry…